Ivy Writes Jesus Voices in my head Workin' for a living

Non-chocolate temptations

I wrote this for the Adult Discipleship newsletter at my church; thought I’d share it here as another insight into the adventure I’ve been having the past few months. Here we go…

When we hear the word “temptation” these days, it’s typically preceded by the word “chocolate.” The word has lost most of its cautionary status. But it’s dangerous to think that temptations to veer off God’s path for us, even slightly, aren’t very real today.

I’ve been embarking on a new journey with God recently, which has involved saying goodbye to a well-paying, secure job to become a self-employed writer. The journey has been thrilling, and terrifying, and has forced me to turn to God every day and in every way as I never have before. And there have been some very real temptations to slide back into my comfortable, W-2-having life.

When I was in graduate school, there was a big-name employer in town where I dreamed of working after I finished my degree. This group had international operations, name recognition, great benefits, and (of course!) great salaries. My classmates who worked there were even better looking than the rest of us! So, as I was trying to discern God’s next steps for my career a few months ago, I applied for a position there. And they called me. Several times, in fact – my first phone interview was over an hour long and one of the best interviews I’ve ever given. Things looked good – really good. Really tempting.

As I prayed over the opportunity, I felt God saying to my spirit – “No. Depend on Me, not a big-name company. I am your Provider. I am your Security. Not a job, not a title – Me.” So I called to cancel the next interview, telling the HR representative I’d be taking my career in a different direction.

That direction, quite honestly, still isn’t clear. I still look at my bank balance nearly every day and wonder what I’ve done, and if it wouldn’t be easier to find another job like I had. And yes, it would be easier – but it wouldn’t be God’s best for me. His way is going to be more exciting, more rewarding, and will redefine me in ways I haven’t even imagined yet.

And that knowledge, gained through years of walking with God and learning to hear His voice, made it even easier to say “no” when that big-name employer called me AGAIN a few days ago with offers for an interview.

Temptation isn’t ever easy to resist, but at least it’s getting easier to recognize. Even when it’s not covered in chocolate.

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